

Mechel Reports Creating Special Committee of Board of Directors 28.01.2016

Mechel Reports Creating Special Committee of Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Mechel OAO decided to create a Special Committee of the Board as part of efforts aimed at restructuring Mechel OAO’s debt portfolio.

The Board of Directors tasked the newly created Committee with examining the deals with lender banks that had been presented for approval to Mechel OAO’s extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting, employing an independent consultant to obtain a fairness opinion and prepare recommendations on the said deals to Mechel OAO’s general shareholders’ meeting on the basis of the said fairness opinion.

The Special Committee includes all of the company’s Board of Directors’ independent members:

Vladimir Yurievich Korovkin, president of the Committee
Arthur David Johnson, member of the Committee
Vladimir Vasilyevich Gusev, member of the Committee
Igor Stepanovich Kozhukhovsky, member of the Committee
Yuri Nikolayevich Malyshev, member of the Committee.
Mechel OAO’s extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting will take place on March 4, 2016.

By Mechel.

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